Estate Matters Part 1

Structuring your affairs efficiently means starting the correct planning early enough

Inheritance tax (IHT) is payable by some people who, for the most part, could have avoided it. If you want your estate to go to your loved ones with …

Banking On An Inheritance

Banking on an inheritance

One in three Britons rely on a cash windfall to fund their retirement plans

Anticipated inheritances often don’t materialise. But one in three working Britons (35%) are still relying on an inheritance in order to achieve …

Smart Investing

gSmart Investing

Inside the minds of savers and investors

Now in its third edition, the latest BlackRock Investor Pulse survey takes an in-depth look at Britons’ attitude to money and provides  a fascinating insight into the minds of savers and …

Nation of Savers

a (1)Nation of Savers

Focusing on the long term for a more secure future

The UK is becoming a nation of savers, with three quarters (74%) of people saying they are currently saving, research from Scottish Widows has revealed.
The savings …

Investment Portfolios Part 4: Investing for Income


Investing for Income

We finish our two week focus on investment portfolios with some information about living off your investments.

Alternatives for income-seekers during a period of low interest rates

One of the tools available to the Bank of England …