Guide to Equity Release Part 2

Guide to Equity Release

Unlocking cash in your home – is it right for you?


Q: What happens to my partner if I die?

A: If the scheme is in both your names, the arrangements …

Guide to Equity Release Part 1

Guide to Equity Release

Unlocking cash in your home – is it right for you?

We all look forward to the day when we can stop or cut down on the
amount of time we spend at work and all …

New Domicile Rules Part 2

New domicile rules

Significant structural changes introduced from 6 April 2017

Biggest change
The biggest change is for those who have a UK domicile of origin (for example, born here of British parents). The remittance basis (ability to only pay …

New Domicile Rules Part 1

New domicile rules

Significant structural changes introduced from 6 April 2017

Permanent non-dom tax status will be abolished from 6 April 2017. The reform does not eliminate the tax status, but individuals who have lived in the UK for 15 …

Estate Matters Part 2

Estate matters

Structuring your affairs efficiently means starting the correct planning early enough

Today we are looking at the second part of this month’s chapter on estates.

Effect of the proposed changes 
Few taxes are quite as emotive – or …