New Dividend Tax Regime

What could the new system mean to you?

From April this year, the national 10% tax credit on dividends is to be abolished and will be replaced by a new tax-free Dividend Allowance. The Dividend Allowance means that you won’t …

Tax Matters (Part 2)

Have you taken advantage of your 2015/16 Individual Savings Account (ISA) allowance? 
The maximum annual amount you can save or invest in an ISA is £15,240 (tax year 2015/16) which is free of income and capital gains. You can put …

2016 Tax Matters

Reducing the taxman’s take

To minimise the tax you pay, it’s important to be fully aware of the choices you can make before you make them, so planning ahead and taking professional financial advice is essential. With real-terms tax increases …