Paying Inheritance Tax

Estimating how much liability you could leave behind for your loved ones

Usually the ‘executor’ of the will or the ‘administrator’ of the estate pays Inheritance Tax using funds from the estate.

An executor is a person named in the …

Reducing a potential Inheritance Tax bill

Legitimate ways in which the 40% tax can be avoided

With careful planning and professional financial advice, it is possible to take preventative action to either reduce your beneficiaries’ potential Inheritance Tax bill or mitigate it out altogether.

1. Make

Death and taxes

No longer a tax that only the richest people in society have to face

As Benjamin Franklin said, the only things that are certain in life are death and taxes, and Inheritance Tax touches on both of them. When you …

Investing for success

Achieving your goals by weighing the potential risks alongside the prospective returns

Successful investing involves making choices that meet your unique needs today and your financial goals for the future. A well-defined investment strategy is one of the cornerstones of …

Keeping it in the family

ISA subscriptions now available to a surviving spouse

Last year, the Chancellor announced a significant change to Individual Savings Account (ISA) inheritance rules – a change that has the potential to improve the situation of around 150,000 widows or widowers …