Tax credit on dividends abolished

What are the key reasons for shifting retirement patterns?

New pension rules which give you far greater flexibility over what you can do with your pension pot came into force on 6 April 2015, but according to Aviva’s latest Working …

Tax Credit on Dividends Abolished

Tax credit on dividends

Tax-free Dividend Allowance introduced under new system

rom April this year, the notional 10% tax credit on dividends has been abolished and replaced by a new tax-free Dividend Allowance. The Dividend Allowance means that you …

Devil is in the Detail

Taking stock of Budget 2016

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, delivered his eighth Budget speech on Wednesday 16 March, his third in 12 months. Now that we’ve had time to take stock of the key announcements, we consider …


Impact on financial markets ahead of the EU referendum

With an increasing focus on ‘Brexit’, our investment clients will naturally be monitoring the impact on financial markets ahead of the referendum scheduled for Thursday 23 June.

The nature of investment …

Hello LISA

Harnessing the simplicity and popularity of the ISA wrapper

The introduction of the new Lifetime Individual Savings Account (LISA) next year is aimed at helping young people save flexibly for the long term throughout their lives, and simultaneously enabling them …