How long will your pension income last?

how long will your pension last

ACCORDING TO NEW RESEARCH conducted by YouGov and Old Mutual Wealth, nearly half (48%) of those approaching retirement (aged 55-64) do not know how long their pension income will last. With pension providers reporting demand for flexible withdrawals, there is

Generating an Income from your Portfolio

generating incomeRECORD-LOW INTEREST RATES are rarely out of the news these days. With UK investors struggling to achieve a decent income from traditional investment sources, it might raise a few eyebrows to learn that less than half can correctly explain the

With great freedom comes greater responsibility

greater responsibility

THE NEW PENSIONS FREEDOM rules giving far greater flexibility over what you can do with your pension pot came into force on 6 April 2015. In a survey by the National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF) of 850 people aged

Blurred Vision of the Future

blurry futureUK ADULTS HAVE AN AVERAGE eight-year blind spot when it comes to financial planning – and can only see themselves in the future as far ahead as 2023, new research from long-term savings and investment specialist Standard Life reveals. The

Nation of Savers

savingsTHE UK IS BECOMING a nation of savers, with three quarters (74%) of people saying they are currently saving, research from Scottish Widows has revealed. The savings study – which polled 5,000 Britons – found that the number of savers