Investment Portfolios Part 4: Investing for Income


Investing for Income

We finish our two week focus on investment portfolios with some information about living off your investments.

Alternatives for income-seekers during a period of low interest rates

One of the tools available to the Bank of England …

Investment Portfolios Part 3: Asset Allocation


Asset Allocation

Deciding how to weight your portfolio

Asset allocation is the bedrock of successful investing. The challenge for investors lies in deciding exactly how much to allocate to each asset class.

Assets classes
Once you understand your investment goals …

Investment Portfolios Part 2: Reducing Risk

DiversificationReducing Investment Risk

Choosing a broad spread of instruments in which to invest

We are continuing our look into investment portfolios today with some information about risk reduction.

If you require your money to provide the potential for capital growth …

Investment Portfolios Part 1: Why?

DiversificationWhy are you building an investment portfolio?

Every investor is unique, but everyone faces the same trade-off between risk and reward

For the next two weeks we will be tackling the idea of portfolio diversification and what you should know.…

Wealth Goals Part II

wealth goals

In our previous entry we covered common goals. Today we will cover how to set those goals and make them achievable.

Define your goal clearly

A wealth goal is the first step that sets you on a path and should