Allocating Wealth

One of the most important investment decisions you ever make

How you choose to allocate your wealth between different asset classes will be one of the most important investment decisions you ever make. Asset allocation can account for the majority …

Main Types Of Investment

Understanding asset classes

There are four main types of investments, known as ‘asset classes’. Each asset class has different characteristics and advantages and disadvantages for investors.

This involves putting your money into a savings account, with a bank, building …

Creating an Investment Strategy

Allow your lifestyle to dictate your investment approach

To make the most of your investment opportunities, allow your lifestyle and not stock market fluctuations to dictate your investment approach. Your goals are what count, so keep them firmly in mind …

Estate Matters

Structuring your affairs efficiently means starting the correct planning early enough

Inheritance tax (IHT) is payable by some people who, for the most part, could have avoided it. If you want your estate to go to your loved ones with …