Investment Trusts

Reflecting popularity in the market

An investment trust is a company with
a set number of shares. Unlike an open-ended investment fund, an investment trust is closed ended. This means there are a set number of shares available, which will …

Unit Trusts

Participating in a wider range of investments

Unit trusts are collective investments that allow you to participate in a wider range of investments than can normally be achieved on your own with smaller sums of money. Pooling your money with …

Open-Ended Investment Funds

Acting in the investors’ best interests at all times

Open-ended investment funds are often called ‘collective investment schemes’ and are run by fund management companies.

There are many different types of fund – these

• Unit trusts
• OEICs …

Pound Costing Average

A time-tested method for controlling risk over time

It’s natural to be looking for ways to smooth out your portfolio’s returns. Investing regularly can smooth out market highs and lows over time. In a fluctuating market, a strategy known as …

Taking a Long Term View

Taking a long-term view

Remember your reasons for investing in the first place

Stock markets can be unpredictable. They move frequently – and sometimes sharply – in both directions. It is important to take a long-term view (typically ten years …