Advice with you in mind

One of the most important relationships you may ever have

Few people really have the time to understand the significant number of financial products on the market at any time. If you’re looking to invest, buy a protection product or plan for the longer term, expert professional financial advice is essential to help enable you to create a financial plan that is realistic.

One of the most important relationships you may ever have is the one with your professional financial adviser. The advice process allows you to assess your financial goals, investment time frame and tolerance for risk, and to monitor these over time. In addition, you can obtain guidance in times of market downturns and personal financial stress, ensuring that your strategy is tailored for your changing needs and circumstances.

Investment choices

With a vast array of products and information available, the thought of wading through them and choosing an investment can be quite daunting. In addition, considering the busy lives we lead, it can be difficult to find the time to keep fully up to speed with everything that’s going on. We help you to make an informed decision based on your investment objectives, understand which products are available and select the best options to suit your investment needs.

Risk and return

Investing is as much about managing the potential downside as it is about looking for potential gains. Typically, investments with the potential for a higher return also carry a higher risk due to the more volatile sectors and regions that are targeted. We explain the risk and return trade-off and gauge your attitude towards risk for return. From this, we can ensure that your portfolio has the right balance of risk by diversifying across regions, providers and products as appropriate.

Extracting information

Understanding the jargon used within the financial industry and extracting the important information can be difficult and time-consuming. We help you to translate current events and bring out hidden facts in seemingly endless product literature. So whether you want to understand the implications of interest rate increases or a change in pension freedoms legislation, we’ll discuss how each issue could directly affect you.

Continual reviews

As time passes, both markets and your lifestyle can change dramatically. This consequently means that it is important to keep your investments under continual review so that you can get the most out of them. Anything in your life, such as your age or personal situation, could potentially affect the requirements you have for your investments. We’ll assist in reviewing and, if necessary, adjusting your portfolio to help it meet your evolving needs.

Unforeseen events

With markets constantly on the move and unforeseen events sometimes having significant impacts, the need for ongoing adjustments to your investments can be extremely important, and staying on top of this can be a full-time job which very few of us have time for. Taking this important responsibility off your hands and putting it with us can help you to feel more confident that your investments are in the most suitable place for your individual requirements.

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